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Noglin raid

The noglins are a very usefull dino to get easy loot from enemies. On this video below, we scouted a base that one guy was AFK and we tried to noglin him… I think someone was kicked out of the tribe 😁. For me is the best plan to start on Official Ark.

When we can use the noglin?

Controll enemies with the noglin

You can scout different bases and see if there is a enemy player AFK or clueless and try to noglin him to turn off all the genis of the base. You can also cage the guy that you are controlling.

Enemy player controlled by a nolgin.

Killing Exo-meks to get free loot

  • First of all we have to scout the base and see if there aren’t enemies online or dinos on aggressive mode. 
  • Secondly we need to pop the noglin and wait 5 minutes for the cooldown to controll him.
  • Third, we can controll the noglin and see where are the exo-meks.
  • If there is an exo-mek, kill him.
  • And finally jump with the noglin to the exit of the base and take the inside of the noglin loot
Exo-mek getting killed for insane loot.

Video of noglins killing exo-meks

Exo-mek pack opening
Noglin killing an exo-mek for a good loot.